
Win an Orchid and Opal Bead Collection!

Win an Orchid and Opal Bead Collection!

To celebrate this month's collab with Orchid and Opal Jewelry & Beads, the Sunflower Bliss Collection, we're having a GIVEWAWY where you can win the previous collection Gina designed with us, the Mountain Vineyard Collection!

When Gina from Orchid & Opal curates a collection, it is bound to be a stunner! We've kept one original Mountain Vineyard Collection back when it launched, and now we're giving it away to 1 lucky person. How can you enter to have a chance at winning?

Rules for entry, terms & dates

  • To enter the giveaway, you need to do four things:

1. Be subscribed to Eureka Crystal Beads as well as Orchid and Opal's YouTube channels.

2. Leave a comment under Gina’s collection unboxing video, sharing what inspiring ideas you have for the contents, and/or what you think about the collection


3. Leave a comment under our collection unboxing video, telling us which product from the collection you like the most


4. Fill out a quick 2-question form telling us what your handle on YouTube is so that we know who our winner is!


  • The draw will take place on August 20th 2024 at noon.
  • We will contact the winner via email, to their address provided in the form.
  • If the winner does not respond & confirm their address within 24 hours, we will draw & contact another winner.
  • The full Mountain Vineyard Collection will be shipped to the winner free of charge within 2 weeks.
  • By leaving your 2 comments + filling out the form, you agree to us sharing your comments in our social media and email communication.

So, if you could use a whole fresh pack of beads & supplies color-coordinated by Gina from Orchid and Opal FOR FREE, make sure to watch both Eureka’s and Gina’s unboxings and fill out the form so we know who to send the prize to!

1st Aug 2024 Aga O.

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